The Why:
Being a working mum of 2 young kids, time is something which seems to run out in the blink of an eye!
Making time for yourself is something which for me always went to the bottom of my very busy to do list!
Pre lockdown I used to have total mum guilt, when leaving the house at 5.30am each morning to go to the gym to fit in that class or workout before racing to do a full day at work, all the time feeling torn between wanting to be there for the kids but also wanting an hour to do something for me.
The Turning Point:
I started Pow8r in January – I felt horrible after eating and drinking my way through Christmas and piling weight on. I chose Pow8r because of the focus on it being a lifestyle and the flexibility of the different workouts on offer but I was apprehensive about whether I’d be able to keep up – I’m 48 in October and was definitely expecting to struggle.
My goal was a flat stomach which I haven’t been able to achieve with anything I’ve done in the past probably because I’m a massive foodie and just eat what I want when I want ? and have never really taken exercise seriously.
The Journey:
Seven months on and I’ve lost over a stone in weight and am well on the way to a flat stomach but more than that I’m fitter and healthier than I’ve ever been physically and mentally.
I started by just taking one day at a time getting up for the lives without thinking too much about it and before I knew it, I was 5 months in and hadn’t missed a live session, training consistently 4 times a week and supplementing this with some of the 8 min ab workouts to sort my stomach out.
The app is amazing, just gives you the flexibility to train wherever you are so you don’t have to break your routine if you don’t want to.
I’d definitely recommend Pow8r to anyone no matter how old or unfit you think you are. Just take things at your pace and slowly build yourself up. It’s you against you! It’s changed my life and my outlook on how to feel good.